Friday, 14 September 2012

'It's all about the desk. If I find the desk, the writing will come.'

Well you were nearly there Carrie. Find the desk, and the designing will come. Let's hope.
I've been after the perfect desk since I moved back home (so what 4 months now?!) pinning inspiration, searching ebay and gumtree endlessly. I wanted a vintage style dressing table/writing desk, a bit like the ones below...

and this is what I finally found on gumtree for the amazing price of £20.

It's beautiful, I didn't think I could love a piece of furniture as much as I do this! Can't wait to start restoring it, and finally get it in my room!

Monday, 10 September 2012

Graduation Day

The day I worked 3 years for, my graduation day! It was a beautiful sunny day in Lincoln, the castle and cathedral (where my graduation was held) always look lovely in the sun. Although I was a bit tired from the YCN awards the night before I was really excited to see my friends and everyone off my course. Even though I have mixed feelings to whether university was really for me, and continually ask myself if I actually learned anything, I am glad I went. Mostly due to the friends I made, experiences I had and of course getting to meet my boyfriend!

Part of me is really sad that I won't be going back again this year, but maybe it's time to move on to a new chapter. For the day I wore a dress by Coast and shoes by Dorothy Perkins.

Congratulation Graphic Design Class '12!

Saturday, 8 September 2012

YCN awards ceremony

On Tuesday night I travelled down to Shoreditch Town Hall for the YCN awards, my friends Rob, Sam and I were being commended for our ideas for the Google packaging brief.
The night was filled with amazing flower displays, a Jamaican steel drum band, huge dishes of pulled pork by bompas & parr and not forgetting glittery pineapples.

I was also given the best of year award, which was a huge surprise (honestly, you should have seen my face!) I have no idea why I was awarded it, but let be honest I'm pretty happy about it. It's probably the best things to happen in my academic 'career'. I was awarded with an awesome star light and a flower crown made by the flower appreciation society.

An amazing colourful night I will not be forgetting anytime soon, all followed by graduation the next day. (Which I'm sure will be a post very soon..)